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Lender Search
Updated over a week ago

Lender Search enables you to find the best-fit lenders for your specific financing criteria. Once you are clear on your requirements, Lender Search matches you with lenders who are most likely to meet your needs. This can include both existing and new lenders. You can also add any existing relationships to create a comprehensive list of potential lenders for outreach. We show detailed profiles for both new and existing lenders, giving you insight into their lending footprint, criteria, and recent transactions.

The goal of Lender Search is to identify the best-fit matches and most competitive lenders for your deal using both internal and external data. Our lender database pulls from more than 4,000 lenders with in-depth data on these lenders to find the best options and secure optimal financing for you.

We categorize lenders based on match scores, showing top matches and potential fits, and providing detailed insights on each lender's attributes and past activity. You can also search all lenders, see why some weren't a match, and view previous interactions you’ve had with a lender.

Note: Outside of a transaction, you can access our Lender Directory, which gives you access to view over 4,000 lenders (but does not match you with lenders using our algorithm).

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